The policy brief presents a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model designed for Georgia by the ISET Policy Institute to evaluate the impact of potential new Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with the USA, India, and South Korea.

In a compelling retrospective, the ISET Policy Institute held a policy roundtable showcasing their recent research on 'What Georgia Could Gain from Free Trade Agreements with the USA, South Korea, and India.' The event took place on January 26, at the Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel.

ISET Policy Institute hosted a roundtable discussion on March 31 at Rooms Hotel Tbilisi, where participants discussed the impact of public spending on agriculture in relation to the value and destination of agricultural exports, particularly to the European Union (EU).

This project identifies sectors and subsectors of the Georgian economy which have a higher potential for growth and which the Georgian Government should prioritise when designing strategies to attract foreign investors and increase EU export levels post DCFTA.

This policy document was created through the project “Raising support and enhancing understanding of the Europeanization process in Georgia: information and communication campaign on EU-Georgia Association Agreement, including DCFTA” funded by the Romanian government.