Health hidden costs of agri-food systems: drivers and policy lessons in the South Caucasus
22 July 2024

For the countries in the South Caucasus, health hidden costs amount to 87%, 88%, and 92% of the total quantified hidden costs of agri-food systems. In terms of the share in GDP, they subsequently comprise 18%, 16%, and 22%, respectively.

Russian wheat policies and Georgia's strategic responses
23 April 2024

International wheat prices have emerged as a significant policy concern in recent years, notably during the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia's war in Ukraine, as Russia has been known for periodically halting its grain exports to impact global prices. Georgia heavily depends on wheat imports from Russia, with over 95% of its wheat historically sourced from there.

ISET Policy Institute hosts roundtable on Russia's wheat policies and Georgia's response
23 April 2024

On April 23 ISET Policy Institute hosted aan yet another roundtable discussion on "Russian Wheat Policies and Georgia's Strategic Responses".

International Conference: Improving the Functioning of Agri-Food Value Chains in the South Caucasus Region
19 April 2024

An international workshop on agricultural value chains in the South Caucasus region will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, from 3 to 5 October 2024. Contributions can be submitted from now on.

March 2024 | Agri Review
01 April 2024

In June 2023, responding to appeals from the Georgian Flour Producers Association, the Georgian government imposed a temporary import duty on wheat flour imported from Russia. This advocacy by the Association began after Russia implemented a “floating tariff” on wheat in 2021, making wheat imports more expensive compared to wheat flour.
