The Knowing of Not Knowing in Water Management (and how to tackle the issue)
16 April 2018

The Georgian government is currently facing some tremendous challenges in adjusting to the EU Association Agreement (AA). A particularly problematic area of reform concerns the implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC, aka the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Properly managing water resources is an extremely difficult endeavor that requires a deep understanding of all the mechanisms at work.

Development of policy alternatives to implement economic instruments of EU WFD
01 February 2018

ISET Policy Institute aims to develop the policy alternatives to be used for implementation of economic instruments for water management based on principles of EU Water Framework Directive.

EU Supported Agricultural Cooperatives in Georgia
01 February 2018

The agricultural cooperative movement started a few years ago in Georgia and the registered farmer groups are currently still at the embryonic stage of development. The Soviet legacy and rather negative attitude towards earlier forms of cooperation (Kolkoz and Sovkhoz) has gradually faded among farmers, and today more than 1,400 cooperatives are registered with the Agricultural Cooperative Development Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.

EU And Partners Summarize Achievements of ENPARD’s Small Farmers’ Cooperation Component
01 December 2017

With EU financial and technical assistance, as well as training and education on cooperation and agribusiness, small farmers in Georgia are benefitting from economies of scale, cutting their production costs and increasing efficiency.

EU And Partners Summarize Achievements of ENPARD’s Small Farmers’ Cooperation Component
01 December 2017

With EU financial and technical assistance, as well as training and education on cooperation and agribusiness, small farmers in Georgia are benefitting from economies of scale, cutting their production costs and increasing efficiency.
