Is Capitalism the Final Stage of History?
14 October 2014

No. In this two-part article, I will argue that there are challenges to capitalism on the horizon that are virtually unsurmountable. There are good reasons to believe that in 30 years from now we will not see global dominance of market systems anymore.

Pride and Prejudice in Georgian Food Consumption
03 October 2014

Hospitality is one of the most prized aspects of Georgian culture. Welcoming (literal translation: "respecting") guests is a matter of great pride for any family. My mother grew up in a small Imeretian village, and as she tells me, the kids of the family were not allowed to eat until the guests were fully "respected", i.e. properly fed. Even the poorest household in the village would go out of its way (and income) to impress its guests with a cornucopia of local delicacies, meats, veggies, and homemade wine.

Pilot Regulatory Impact Assessment of the Spatial Planning and Construction Code
30 September 2014

The Georgian government is currently working on the draft of a new Code on Spatial Planning and Construction, with the aim of increasing the safety of new constructions while consolidating the great achievements obtained in terms of effectiveness in the delivery of construction permits.

The Puzzle of Poverty and Wages in Georgia
19 September 2014

Any Georgian growing up in the “dark” 1990s (a literally dark, and rather gloomy period in the recent history of our country) would remember the canned milk powder distributed, together with some other goodies, to families with children aged below 5. These black and white cans were often used as flower pots in many of these families…

Kazbegi Rooms: with a View to Improvement of Regional Development Policies
05 September 2014

When planning a debate about the impact of the new Rooms hotel on the local community in Kazbegi we expected it to be a mixed bag. A colleague who visited Kazbegi Rooms on a private reconnaissance mission told us how much he enjoyed his stay, but added: “for some reason, the relationship between the hotel and the villagers is best described as complex”.
