Business Confidence Index: back to despair
28 October 2020

For the fourth quarter of 2020, BCI decreased by 18.7 index points and reached -28.6 after a significant improvement in the previous quarter. Business confidence deteriorated across all sectors, except retail trade and financial. The largest decrease is observed in the construction sector. The negative change in BCI, for Q4 2020, is driven by significantly pessimistic future expectations.

September 2020 | Electricity Market Review
27 October 2020

In September 2020, Georgian power plants generated 877 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 7% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (September 2019, the total generation was 821 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis comes from the increase of 15% in wind power generation, 13% in thermal power generation, and 5% in hydro power generation.

ISET Policy Institute’s team starts RIA training course with USAID
26 October 2020

Starting from October 26, the ISET Policy Institute team, in cooperation with the USAID Economic Governance Program, started an online training course in Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for public servants. The aim of the training is to provide participants from the selected institutions a clear understanding of the purpose of RIA, its structure and implementation, and how it works within the context of Georgian. The course will also develop and strengthen the participants’ technical skills that are necessary to conduct standard RIAs in accordance with the RIA methodology approved by the Government of Georgia in January 2020. The training is organized around specific RIA steps, included practical group activities every week, and will last for a total of seven weeks.

Right or Left: What Are Political Parties’ Economic Visions?
26 October 2020

Last week Georgians took part in largely proportional parliamentary elections. Dozens of parties were registered as election contestants. To what extent do their visions coincide with yours in different important areas of public policy? You can get a detailed answer to these questions on the digital platform "Election Compass Georgia".

ISET hosts workshop for UNDP, EIEC and NGO representatives
22 October 2020

On October 22, ISET Policy Institute's Agricultural and Rural Policy Research Center (APRC) conducted a stakeholder workshop entitled “Information quality standards for the participants and beneficiaries of the Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (AKIS)”.
