An Economist’s Comment on “Dodge or Die” on the Streets of Tbilisi
10 June 2013

As Stephen Dowling put it in his BBC News article a few years ago, “when it comes to crossing the road, there's no such thing as an international standard. Every country does it differently.” How people drive and cross the road, according to Dowling, is a matter of a country’s cultural values. Is it really?

The Georgian Wine Industry: Recent Past and the Way Forward
24 May 2013

We are very happy to post the second part of Jacques Fleury's commentary on the Georgian Wine Industry. In the first part, Jacques reflected on the experience of surviving the Russian embargo, on the one hand, and dealing with a series of heavy-handed and incompetent government interventions, on the other.

Georgia Doubled the Area of Cultivated Agricultural Land in 2013
22 May 2013

According to available data from the ministry of agriculture (MoA), by 1 May 2013, 400,000 hectares have been cultivated this year in Georgia, which means a 100% increase compared to last year and the highest figure, by far, since 2005.

Georgian Wine Industry: Recent Past and the Way Forward
15 May 2013

We are very happy to host on our blog a commentary by Jacques Fleury, the person behind the resurrection of Borjomi and a key player in the Georgian wine industry.

The Soviet Hangover
08 May 2013

Recently, we discussed the low ranking of Georgia when it comes to social capital (“Since When Do Georgians Trust Banks More Than Friends?”). In the 2012 Legatum Prosperity Index, our country ranked #140 in the social capital subindex, out of 142 surveyed countries!
