Should Georgia worry about the dependence on Russian energy?
16 March 2022

During such challenging times, as the Russia-Ukraine conflict escalates daily and threatens the lives of thousands, as well as the wellbeing of everyone around the world, having experienced the horror of war, we Georgians especially feel the pain of the Ukrainians.

ISET Policy institute participates in the webinar organized by free network partners
03 March 2022

On March 3, 2022, ISET Policy Institute Lead Economist Yaroslava Babych and Director Tamar Sulukhia spoke at the international Webinar “The Sanctions on Russia, and their impact on the region”. The Webinar was organized by the Stockholm Institute of Transitional Economies and the Free Network (which is sponsored by Sida) and discussed the impacts of Russia’s war in Ukraine on the region, with a focus on the economic effects of sanctions in Russia and the region.

Top 5 economic consequences of Russia’s war on Ukraine: a view from Georgia
28 February 2022

As I am writing these lines, Russian tanks are moving deeper into the territory of my country, Ukraine, and emotions are threatening to overwhelm me. But emotions cannot shake what we, as economics scholars, value the most: devotion to truth and careful, impartial use of facts and logic to arrive at conclusions.

January 2022 | The khachapuri index increases by 24%
07 February 2022

The new year started with a historic high for the Khachapuri Index. The Index continued its upward trend, reaching an average cost of 5.77 GEL in January 2022. This is 1.8% higher than December 2021 (MoM) and 23.7% higher compared to January 2021 (YoY). The highest price increase was observed for eggs (47%) and flour (31%).

January 2022 GDP Forecast | Georgian economy continues to recover from covid-19 impact, but inflation threatens stability as food prices soar by 17.7 percent
17 January 2022

Recently, Geostat revised upward its real GDP growth for the third quarter of 2021 to 9.1% (by 0.1 ppt). The real GDP growth rate amounted to 12% year-on-year for November 2021. Consequently, the estimated real GDP growth for the first eleven months of 2021 was 10.7%.
