January 2024 | Khachapuri Index continues its upward trend
29 January 2024

In January 2024, the average monthly cost of preparing one standard portion of Imeretian khachapuri increased, ranging between 6.40 GEL (Batumi) and 7.11 GEL (Tbilisi), with an overall average cost of 6.62 GEL. This recent average indicates a 2% increase compared to the preceding month of December 2023. While examining year-to-year trends, the current price of khachapuri is 4.6% lower than in January 2023.

December 2023 | Jump in the CCI
21 January 2024

CCI sees improvement. The Consumer Confidence Index has experienced a significant positive shift, increasing by 6 index points – from -20.1 in November to -14.1 in December. Both the Present Situation Index and the Expectations Index contributed to this notable increase; however, the predominant factor was the rise in expectations (the Present Situation Index rose by 4.7 points and the Expectations Index by 7.4).

December 2023 | Electricity Market Review
15 January 2024

In December 2023, Georgian power plants generated 1,166 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 4% increase in the total generation compared to the previous year (in December 2022, the total generation was 1,116 mln. kWh). The rise in generation on a yearly basis comes from an increase in hydropower generation by 87%, while the generation of thermal and wind power plants decreased by 45% and 16%, respectively.

December 2023 | Economic momentum revealed: deposits soar, trade increases mostly driven by re-export, and remittances shift – Georgia's GDP growth chronicles
11 January 2024

Geostat has released its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for October 2023. The estimated growth stands at 6.2%, while the average real GDP growth for January- October 2023 reached 6.9%.

November 2023 | Electricity Market Review
29 December 2023

In November 2023, Georgian power plants generated 1,003 mln. kWh of electricity (Figure 1). This represents an 11% decrease in the total generation compared to the previous year (in November 2022, the total generation was 1,131 mln. kWh). The fall in the generation on a yearly basis comes from a decrease in thermal and wind power generation by 27%, and 13%, respectively, while the generation of hydropower plants increased by 1%.
