3.97 out of 10 – Pension Reform evaluation
05 October 2017

On September 27, 2017, the first assessment of Pension Reform was conducted, within “ReforMeter”. Based on the Government Survey, 38.8% of the reform is already implemented. At this stage, the reform concept is elaborated and approved by the Government. In October, the draft law will be publicly available. The pension fund functions and obligations are formulated. The regulatory body is defined. Pension system operating rules are designed.

Modern Educational Programs to Support Agribusiness Development
04 October 2017

On October 3, 2017, ISET Policy Institute Executive Director Lasha Labadze made a presentation at the conference "Modern Educational Programs to Support Agribusiness Development,” organized by East European University within the International Scientific Festival, planned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.

Real Estate Market Highlights, #7 | July-September 2017
02 October 2017

After hitting an all-time high in JUN-17, the GEO real property market slowed down in JUL-17 (-13.8% MoM), but gradually recovered during the next two months: AUG-17 (+6.5% MoM) and SEP-17 (+3.8% MoM). Despite the slowdown, with a total of 24 848 property sales, the GEO market in Q3 2017 grew by 0.7% compared to the previous quarter, and 5.9% against Q3 2016.

Is ISET’s New BA Program Winning the Fight for Best Brains in Georgia?
25 September 2017

It is no secret that global competition for the best brains is as intense as ever. Having adequate human capital can put a country on a trajectory of perpetual growth, say economists. The ‘brain wars’ typically play out in the setting of national and multinational companies competing for talent, but some of the most intense fights happen between universities struggling to recruit and retain the best young minds on the planet.

ISET welcomes BA students
18 September 2017

For over a decade, ISET has produced MA graduates whose experience, knowledge, and expertise have allowed them to pursue successful careers across the world. Some stayed in academia, and went on to earn further degrees in the United States and Europe; others moved into public service or the private sector, both at home and abroad, actively working towards regional development or establishing successful careers overseas.
