ISET Policy Institute’s Training for the Parliamentary Agrarian Issues Committee
21 April 2021

Between April 19-21, ISET PI’s Agricultural and Rural Policy Research Center (APRC) conducted training with representatives from the parliament’s Agrarian Issues Committee. These meetings were supported by the UNDP as part of their EU project – Consolidation of Parliamentary Democracy in Georgia.

COVID and the City – A Spatial Fracture in Georgia?
22 March 2021

The COVID pandemic raises a vast number of questions for economists, though researchers have mostly focused on advanced economies and on the economic ‘scarring’ that the virus has inflicted. Not all, however, as a few economists have been interested in the likely evolution of cities after the pandemic. They observe that some cities, in particular travel hubs, have been epidemic hotspots, while many others, usually smaller, have been reasonably spared. More rural areas have also been less affected, although with strong variation across regions.

Women in politics: why are they under-represented?
11 March 2021

Women are generally under-represented in political offices worldwide, and their under-representation becomes larger in more senior positions. In the first brief, the author reviews some recent academic literature in economics and political science on the likely causes of women’s under-representation. Broadly speaking, the literature has divided such causes into “supply-side” and “demand-side” factors.

Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) on tourism local fee
09 March 2021

This in-depth study seeks to quantify the costs and benefits associated with introducing a local tourism fee to support public services and touristic infrastructure in Georgian municipalities. Locally generated and retained fee revenues are one of the best methods for boosting local economies and maintaining tourist infrastructure. A tourism local tax and/or fee is an internationally accepted practice and is paid by non-residents when staying in local tourist accommodations and when receiving specialized services.

ISET Policy Institute team presents RIA of the draft law on agritourism to the parliament of Georgia
25 January 2021

On the 25th of January, the Agricultural Policy Research Center attended a hearing of the draft law on agritourism by the sectoral committee of the Parliament of Georgia, during which our research team presented the findings of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of the draft law and discussed the associated socio-economic benefits and costs.
