World Bank’s South Caucasus in Motion report launch held at ISET
08 May 2019

The close ties between ISET and the World Bank were reaffirmed once again on the 8th of May when a project supported by the Bank was unveiled at an event in the institute’s conference hall.

William Nordhaus’ Models – a Dubious Equation for the Climate Debate
13 February 2019

In preparation for the COP24 climate change conference in Poland, in December 2018, researchers published a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) outlining how significant the consequences of climate change would be following a global increase in temperature of just a half degree, from 1.5 to 2 degrees C. In the wake of the newly released IPCC report, alongside William Nordhaus’ Nobel Memorial award, this year’s winner in economics, a heated debate has surfaced.

Electricity Market Review - Annual Report
24 January 2019

In 2018, Georgian power plants generated 12 154 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 5% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in 2017, total generation was 11 531 mln. kWh) (Figure 1). The increase in generation on a yearly basis comes from increase in hydropower (9%), more than offsetting the decrease in thermal (-5%) and wind power generation (-4%).

Are Giorgi and Mariam More Employable than Arthur and Zeynab?
14 December 2018

It all started with a simple exercise for my Master’s project in which I tried to understand the underlying causes of the observed wage gap between ethnic Georgians and ethnic minorities in the country. After more than a decade, a reputable international journal has published a paper reporting on the experimental evidence my colleagues and I collected and analyzed on labor market outcomes for ethnic minority and female citizens of Georgia.

Study on Private Service Providers in Organic Hazelnut Value Chain in Georgia
01 October 2018

This report covers the process and results from the value chain analysis conducted on the hazelnut sector in West Georgia. The study presents a basis to shape interventions of the forthcoming ‘Phase II: Fairtrade & Organic Hazelnut Value Chain Development for Small Farmers in Western Georgia’ project, which is to be implemented by the Consortium (ELKANA, HEKS/EPER, ANKA and PAKKA) with the financial support of DANIDA.
