Invasion of Ukraine, global sanctions against Russia, and economic consequences for Georgia
18 April 2022

On February 24th, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. This event not only marked the collapse of a painstakingly built global security architecture and destroyed the lives and livelihoods of millions of civilians in the heart of Europe, it also put the world on the brink of the largest nuclear, humanitarian, and ecological catastrophe since WWII.

ISET hosts panel discussions on war in Ukraine and its impact on the Georgian economy
13 April 2022

On 13 April, ISET Policy Institute hosted an event: “War in Ukraine: Challenges, Risks, and Responses of the Georgian Economy”. The meeting brought together the policy community – including think tanks, experts, public and private sector leaders, and various development partners.

Quarter 4 2021, Macro Review | The 2021 Georgian economy – the year in review
11 April 2022

For the Georgian economy, 2021 was a year of gradual recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Geostat rapid estimates, the real GDP expanded by 10.7%, coming within 0.1 percentage points of the ISET-PI forecast from November 2021 and surpassing the NBG and IMF mid-year projections, which ranged between 8% - 8.5% y/y.

War in Ukraine: challenges, risks, and responses of Georgian economy
07 April 2022

ISET Policy Institute will be hosting an event War in Ukraine: Challenges, Risks, and Responses of Georgian Economy, to be held on April 13 from 10:00-12:30, that will bring together the policy community, experts, and private sector leaders, and development partners.

Is climate change a serious threat that affects you?
28 March 2022

Today is 24 March, and it’s been snowing heavily in Tsavkisi for the past few days. My yard and street are covered by about a full meter of snow. Cars are stuck on the snow-covered streets and our small community is physically cut off from the rest of the world. Locals can’t remember such a snowstorm, especially in March.
