Pilot Cost-Benefit Analysis for Alliances Project
04 August 2014

Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is an economic tool for the comparison of costs and benefits associated with various alternatives. This tool is used to systematically estimate the strengths and weaknesses of different options of investing capital. It is a technique that is used to determine options that provide the best outcomes in terms of benefits in labor, time and cost savings etc.

Competitiveness of Georgian Agriculture: Investment Case Studies
31 July 2014

This paper provides a summary of findings and policy recommendation based on a series of eight case studies that document foreign direct investment in Georgia’s agriculture and food processing sectors. The investors are in a variety of industries, including grape and wine production, hazelnuts, poultry, cereals and medicinal herbs, pickled fruit and vegetables, and apple concentrate and aroma

Value Chain Analysis of the Georgian Sheep Sector
31 July 2014

In March 2014, Heifer Georgia launched its “Comprehensive study on the Georgian sheep value chain” project. Heifer Project International, the umbrella organization of Heifer Georgia, intends to support the development of the Georgian sheep sector for the next decade, starting with sheep wool processing.

Survival of the Fittest in Georgian Agriculture
07 July 2014

The conclusion of the Association Agreement (AA) with the European Union was euphorically acclaimed by Georgian media as well as political and economic decision-makers. Part of the AA is the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). The DCFTA is intended to liberalize trade between Georgia and the EU by lowering tariffs and reducing non-tariff barriers. For agriculture, the most relevant changes relate to food safety (bacterial contaminants, pesticides, inspection, and labeling) as well as animal and plant health (phytosanitation).

ISET Organized an Excursion to the “GIFT OF FOREST” Agricultural Cooperative
18 June 2014

On May 31, ISET organized an excursion to an agricultural cooperative called “Gift of Forest” in Tsinamdzgvriantkari, in the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region of Georgia. The purpose of the excursion was to learn more about a successful cooperative and understand how this success could be replicated in other contexts and value chains in Georgia.
