Norwegian Government Supports Seminar Series on Energy Economics at ISET
25 October 2012

ISET is pleased to announce that from October 30 through November 12, 2012, it will host a number of seminars on topics related to energy markets. Professor Einar Hope, a visiting faculty member at ISET, will deliver this seminar series, which was organized by students and professors of ISET’s Concentration in Energy and Natural Resources Management. The seminars will be open to students, graduates, and ISET faculty.

Small Hydropower Plants: No Competition in a Competitive Marketplace
19 October 2012

Economics suggests that competition in a market brings more welfare to a country. Anti-monopoly agencies exist to create policies that limit market dominance and achieve competition.

Competition in the Georgian Retail Gasoline Market
05 October 2012

No, nothing about the election here. Instead something about the Georgian retail gasoline market, which according to some is not so competitive.

Breaking the Vicious Circle of Poverty and Inequality
02 October 2012

Despite spectacular growth performance during the past several years (averaging more than 6% since 2005), Georgia remains a poor country. In 2011, Georgia’s GDP per capita reached USD 3,215, just below the average for small island states in the Pacific and just above Guatemala.

Costs and Benefits of Labour Mobility between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Partner Countries
28 September 2012

After the break-up of the Soviet Union, Georgia went through a process of civil war and economic collapse. Official estimates suggest that Georgia’s GDP shrunk by more than 70% between 1990 and1994.
