What Can Be Achieved Through Better Education?
10 May 2013

When speaking about unemployment, arguably the sorest problem in many market economies, “better education” is one of the standard remedies proposed by economists.

Fiscal Transparency
29 April 2013

Would you like to buy in a supermarket where the supermarket owner decides what you will get for your money after you made the payment? Such a supermarket would arguably not attract many customers.

National Competitiveness Report
29 March 2013

In the globalized world of today, increasing national competitiveness has become an important policy target for any country. While engaging in mutually beneficial trade, technological and cultural exchanges, countries find themselves in a race for scarce mobile resources such as financial capital and talent.

On Social Planning, Symphonies and Cacophonies
22 March 2013

An unprejudiced look at the Georgian economy is rather disenchanting. Starting in 1990 at a per capita income that was close to Poland’s, Georgia went into a free fall as a result of secession wars, loss of markets, an explosion of crime and corruption, and the staggering incompetency of its governments.

The Georgian Labor Code: Real Challenges and False Myths
08 March 2013

Georgia’s current rank in the ease of “hiring and firing practices” and “redundancy costs” (weeks of salary an employer is required to pay a dismissed worker) is 9th and 13th, respectively (World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report, 2012-13).
