ISET Policy Institute discusses corporate tax income reform outcomes with stakeholders
03 July 2023

On July 3, ISET Policy Institute organized a roundtable discussion on corporate tax income reform assessment. The event was attended by experts from local and international institutions who shared their views and exchanged ideas on the findings of the assessment.

Troubled businesses: navigating the insolvency maze
24 May 2023

There will always be “winners” and “losers” in a market economy, which entails constant competition between companies for access to limited resources. The loser in this case is a company that is unable to pay its financial obligations on time and thus becomes insolvent.

A Snapshot of SME digitalization in Georgia
22 May 2023

Digitalization can be defined as the process of change that digital technology causes or influences in all aspects of life. For businesses, it implies digital improvements which alter business models, alongside the way in which products or services are manufactured and delivered.

ISET Policy Institute continues to mentor civil society organizations and private sector associations
18 May 2023

In the framework of mentorship, on May 18th, ISET Policy Institute met with the Georgian Cold Storage and Logistics Association (GCSLA) to discuss the challenges in the cold storage supply chain in Georgia and explore potential solutions to address these issues.

ISET Policy Institute and Akhaltsikhe-based organizations discuss Georgia’s European perspective and effective policymaking
24 April 2023

On 24 April, ISET Policy Institute, with support from the Swedish Embassy, met representatives from local non-governmental and international organizations, and from the Akhaltsikhe public and private sectors, in order to introduce its activities and key products.
