Develop the advocacy capacity of CSOs and PSAs
07 March 2022

ISET Policy Institute has launched a new project – “Develop the advocacy capacity of CSOs and PSAs”. This project is being implemented with the support of the USAID Economic Governance Program.

Top 5 economic consequences of Russia’s war on Ukraine: a view from Georgia
28 February 2022

As I am writing these lines, Russian tanks are moving deeper into the territory of my country, Ukraine, and emotions are threatening to overwhelm me. But emotions cannot shake what we, as economics scholars, value the most: devotion to truth and careful, impartial use of facts and logic to arrive at conclusions.

Insolvency Reform Assessment Report
01 February 2022

Prior to the current insolvency reform, Georgia’s legislative framework regulating insolvency proceedings fell short of meeting international standards – it did not meet neither creditors’ nor debtors’ needs and failed to offer incentives to the insolvent companies to choose rehabilitation as their optimal strategy for resolving financial difficulties.

Energy security and the transition to a green economy. Is the Georgian media ready?
24 January 2022

In previous articles we have discussed the visible deterioration of Georgia’s energy security, where energy demand keeps increasing and the share of domestic energy sources in overall primary supply (the gross amount consumed by the country over one year) is declining. Reversing this trend requires the country to accelerate the pace that it develops domestic – and mostly renewable – energy generation capacity; ideally in combination with greater efforts to improve energy efficiency.

Georgia's Political Landscape
15 October 2021

The 2020 parliamentary election in Georgia was a highly contested political event not only during the pre-election campaign but also after the elections took place. Most opposition parties boycotted Parliament for a few months, and a return to parliamentary politics was only possible with mediation efforts of the European Union.
