We Don't Need No Regulation: On Georgia’s Dairy and Livestock Sector
04 February 2019

Dairy production in Georgia is a hot topic right now. Over the last couple of years, new state regulations have been adopted in this sector. The most widely discussed recent change in regulations prohibits the use of milk powder in cheese production. This regulation was adopted in 2015 but was amended in June of 2017 in order to better serve consumer interests.

Business Confidence Index: persistent pessimism!
04 February 2019

BCI in the first quarter of 2019 has worsened, dropping to 22.6 index points, which is a 7.4 index point loss over the previous quarter. The BCI drop is driven by worsening in the past performance and expectations in a number of the business sectors. Interestingly, companies in the construction industry assessed their past performance most pessimistically, however they display the most optimistic expectations. While the private sector expectations tend to worsen, they continue to remain positive.

January 2019 | Agri Review
25 January 2019

Georgia’s food & agricultural exports almost hit their 1 billion USD threshold, attaining a historic maximum since independence – and that certainly sounds like something to celebrate! However, the respective imports have also increased and broken records. As a result, the trade balance (the difference between export and import) remained virtually unchanged at (-394) million USD.

Identification of sectors with high potential for economic growth in the mountainous regions of Georgia
01 January 2019

The goal of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development of mountainous regions of Georgia. The project is commissioned by Centre for Training and Consultancy (CTC) with EU funding. The following activities are envisioned within the project:

December 2018 | Agri Review
25 December 2018

On April 3, 2015 the Government of Georgia adopted a technical regulation in the dairy sector in order to define major principles for the production, processing, and distribution of dairy products. Later in 2017, the regulation was amended and the law now strictly regulates the labelling of dairy products and particularly the use of terms such as “cheese” and “butter”.
