Political Economy Analysis (PEA)
13 February 2023

The "Local Economic Development (LED) in Georgia" project, implemented by a consortium led by HELVETAS and commissioned by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), aims to strengthen Georgian actors’ involvement in LED. Moreover, it incorporates an overarching objective “to contribute to increasing employment and income of rural women and men in their localities by enhancing effective collaboration among local and national actors (public, private, civil society) for the creation of new economic opportunities.”

Study of risks associated with Russian capital in Georgia
10 February 2023

The study examines challenges to Georgia’s economic and democratic development that accompany growing presence of Russian business ownership in the country; and seeks to heighten awareness among key stakeholders (i.e. government, civil society organizations, development partners) and the Georgian public regarding the associated risks and threats.

Yaroslava Babych speaks at the international conference in Stockholm, Sweden
06 December 2022

On 6 December, Yaroslava Babych, Lead Economist of the ISET Policy Institute, participated in an annual event Development Day hosted by the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) in Stockholm, Sweden.

ISET Policy Institute presents gender research portal and Caucasus gender index
29 November 2022

On November 29, 2022, ISET Policy Institute hosted the event Gender Equality in the South Caucasus and Beyond: New Tools for Policy Research that brought together the policy community, experts, NGOs, academia, and development partners. The activity is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

ISET Director, Tamar Sulukhia presents at the workshop of road safety and CSO’s in the EaP countries
28 September 2022

On September 28th Workshop on Road Safety and CSOs in the Eastern Partnership Countries was held, sponsored by the World Bank.
