Economic and trade policy review of Georgia: market entry for Indonesia to Georgia
04 April 2023

The ISET Policy Institute research team conducted a comprehensive study on the trade potential between Georgia and Indonesia. The study comprehensively analyzes Georgia's economic landscape, exploring growth trends, major industries, and fiscal policies. It evaluates dynamic factors influencing economic resilience and adaptability, assesses the business environment, identifies sectors for Indonesian companies, reviews existing cooperation, explores growth opportunities, and conducts a risk assessment.

Developing RIA SME Test Methodology for Georgia while strengthening the capacity of the Government of Georgia in utilizing the SME RIA tools in practice
20 February 2023

ISET Policy Institute, in partnership with UNDP, has launched a new project, entitled "Developing RIA SME Test Methodology for Georgia", with the aim of strengthening the Government’s capacity to analyze policy impacts on SMEs by providing essential tools, knowledge, and practical experience.

Study of risks associated with Russian capital in Georgia
10 February 2023

The study examines challenges to Georgia’s economic and democratic development that accompany growing presence of Russian business ownership in the country; and seeks to heighten awareness among key stakeholders (i.e. government, civil society organizations, development partners) and the Georgian public regarding the associated risks and threats.

Insolvency reform assessment report
06 February 2023

Prior to the current Insolvency Reform, Georgia’s legislative framework regulating insolvency proceedings fell short of meeting international standards – it did not meet neither creditors’ nor debtors’ needs and failed to offer incentives to the insolvent companies to choose rehabilitation as their optimal strategy for resolving financial difficulties.

What are the outcomes of the new insolvency law?
24 January 2023

Georgia’s new insolvency law – the Law of Georgia on rehabilitation and the collective satisfaction of creditors’ claims – became effective on 1 April 2021. Under which, if a business operating in Georgia has reached a low ebb and is no longer able to meet its financial obligations, it has the opportunity to regulate relations with creditors based on new legislative instruments – effectively, it is able to rehabilitate and return to the market in a viable manner, or, if necessary, it might declare bankruptcy and exit the market.
