Safety and Quality Investment in Livestock: Georgian Dairy Market System Analysis and Mapping
28 May 2019

Land O'Lakes International Development is leading an innovative, demand-driven Safety and Quality Investment in Livestock (SQIL) project to improve food safety and quality within Georgia’s dairy and beef value chains. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (via Food for Progress) and aims to reduce losses, improve food safety and quality from farm to fork, and to boost competitiveness, productivity, and trade within the Georgian dairy and beef market systems.

Effects of the past: how Stalin’s deportations have affected gender norms
27 May 2019

It may appear as though the subject of gender and gender norms is a fairly recent socio-political phenomenon – particularly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia – but it does, in fact, have a longer history than might initially be thought, even in the former Soviet Union; its effects can still be felt and observed today.

Quarter 1 2019, Macro Review | Georgian economy in Q1: the calm before the (possible) storm
24 May 2019

According to Geostat’s rapid estimates of GDP growth, Georgia’s economy continues expanding at a moderately high pace, reaching 4.7% in the first quarter of 2019. Geostat’s Q1 growth figure fell below the National Bank of Georgia’s (NBG) 5% projection for annual growth in 2019. Meanwhile, based on the March data, ISET PI’s annual GDP growth forecast was 4.9%.

ISET “translates” economic info for non-economists
21 May 2019

Economics plays a pivotal role in the life of any nation (and thereby influence the circumstances of its citizens), and as any ISET graduate will testify, it is hardly the simplest of disciplines. Even someone who has spent years studying the subject will find certain aspects difficult to explain to those with a limited understanding, or even stray into territory which becomes subjective and a matter of opinion.

Does Your Smartphone Make You an “Unconscious” Villain?
20 May 2019

Our dependence on smartphones can hardly be described as anything other than addictive. We invariably use them to document trips and thus to have the world at our fingertips. Though, these precious little gadgets have a dark history that we, as consumers, unconsciously support. Unfortunately, we will not be able to discuss in detail all the negative impacts within the supply chain of smartphones.
