How Can You Be Sure? On the Agricultural Insurance in Georgia
24 June 2019

Agricultural production is associated with a variety of risks, including market, institutional, and production risks. An important production factor in agriculture is the weather. Its uncontrollable nature makes weather risk the prevailing risk to agricultural production. Farmers have various informal and formal means of transferring and mitigating these risks. Informal means include savings, diversification, off-farm activities, etc. The most common formal means of risk mitigation is insurance. Insurance is a contract that transfers the risk of financial loss from an individual or business to an insurance company.

The Dire State of Business Support Organizations in Georgia
14 June 2019

In technological terms, there has never been a better time to be a small or medium size business owner: people can always get ahold of you and you can work wherever you need to. Creating an additional source of income catches people’s interests all over the world; as additional motivation, we often hear about the launch of yet another program directly helping these businesses, thus making it easier to become a start-upper. And here, the rhetorical question: “why not?!” pops into some people’s minds.

Real Estate Market Highlights, #13 | January-March 2019
11 June 2019

In comparison with Q4 2018, the GEO real property market dropped by 15.2% in Q1 2019. While the annual increase was more pronounced at 3.7% (YoY), compared to Q1 2018. Tbilisi dominated the real property market with a 41.8% share in total sales in Q1 2019. The Tbilisi market was followed by Kakheti and Adjara, with a respective 12.6% and 10.9% proportion of GEO sales.

Study of value added tax (vat) exemption benefits for increasing the competitiveness of the Georgian dairy sector
10 June 2019

Can VAT exemption on dairy products produced from domestic raw milk boost the competitiveness of Georgian dairy sector? The objective of the study was to estimate the potential impact of VAT exemption on dairy products on the competitiveness of the dairy sector in Georgia.

May 2019 | Agri Review
04 June 2019

An agro insurance program was started in September 2014. The program is subsidized by the state and eight insurance companies participate in the program. The insurance package covers losses caused by hail, flooding, and storms, as well as by autumn frost (covered only for citrus). Since the beginning of the program, 49.3 thousand farmers (unique beneficiaries) have purchased insurance.
