Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) on the draft law on agritourism
10 August 2020

The APRC is conducting a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of the Draft Law on Agritourism. Based on the findings, the RIA team will provide recommendations on policy options for implementing the proposed regulation in an inclusive and sustainable way.

ISET-PI research team presents research study results to stakeholders
21 July 2020

On July 21, ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI) held an online presentation 'Development of Indirect Impact Assessment Methodology and Multipliers'.

June 2020 | CCI: The upward trend continues
17 July 2020

After reaching a historic low in April 2020 Georgian consumer confidence has been steadily reviving. Covid-19 has shaken the world as well as Georgian consumers. One of the evidences that it has been an extraordinary time for Georgian consumers is that in April expectations index dropped below the present situation index for the very first time (see Figure 1).

ISET hosts online discussion with Georgian government & World Bank representatives
21 April 2020

Although the operations of many businesses and organizations have been brought to a crashing halt due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, ISET has refused to allow the crisis to hinder its work. Over the last few months, all teaching and academic activity have been shifted online using Zoom, a format that works equally well for operations of ISET Policy Institute and its efforts to serve as a knowledge accumulation and exchange platform in the lock-down.

Belarusian Path to Transition: Lessons for Georgia?
10 March 2020

“The lobby of the Metropole, Moscow's lovingly restored grand hotel a few blocks from Red Square, is almost deserted on this gray spring afternoon. That's just fine with Jeffrey D. Sachs, a boyish-looking 38-year-old Harvard professor who is now probably the most important economist in the world. He has appropriated a cluster of comfortable armchairs for a meeting with two members of his team, Americans who work full time in Russia. The agenda is Russia's safety net or, more precisely, whether unemployed workers will be able to make ends meet.
