October 12, 2015 Kh-Index | Khachapuri index expanded to cover all georgian regions
12 October 2015

This week we use the Khachapuri Index to look at Georgia’s broader economic geography. We do so on the basis of price data for more than 100 products from each and every Georgian municipality, which were collected by the Georgian government with assistance from ISET and EU’s European Neighborhood Program for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD).

October 05, 2015 Kh-Index | Khachapuri index temporarily declines in september after overshooting in august
05 October 2015

The cost of cooking one standard portion of khachapuri fell to 3.46 GEL in September 2015, thus departing from the seasonal upward sloping trend. Compared to the previous month (August 2015) the Index declined by 0.9%, however in yearly terms (compared to September 2014, the Index gained 3.2%.

Georgian Wine: Plan for the Worst, Hope for the Best
03 October 2015

The Georgian wine industry had a couple of very good years in 2013 and 2014, following the opening of the Russian market. Exports skyrocketed, prices of grapes followed suit. For all the talk about diversification, within just two years, Russia’s share in the total exports of Georgian wine shot up from 0 to almost 68%.

September 30, 2015 FPI | Georgian Food Prices Trending Down
30 September 2015

Food prices in the largest supermarkets of Georgia have been on decline over the last couple of months. Prices started adjusting downwards in July 2015 and the trend persisted in September. According to ISET Policy Institute’s Retail Food Price Index (Retail FPI) in September 2015, prices were 1% lower compared to August 2015.

Azerbaijan Economy and the Oil Prices: a Blessing in Disguise?
24 September 2015

International crude oil prices, which have hovered at $110 per barrel for the last three and a half years, started a sudden and abrupt downfall in August 2014, reaching a $50 per barrel mark in just five months. More than a year after the event, it looks like the oil price of $50 per barrel is here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future.
