Institutions, Politics, and Development
11 January 2013

How can a society become more prosperous? This question has been on the minds of economists and policymakers for centuries.

Snobbism and Status Concerns – Primitives of Georgian Socio-historical Psychology and Their Economic Implications
09 January 2013

In 1905, Max Weber, in his masterpiece, “The Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism”, proposed an interesting hypothesis which claimed that Protestantism, Calvinism, and Puritan ethics influenced the development of capitalism.

Our Best New Year Wishes to the Entire ISET Community!
27 December 2012

We were not off to a good start in 2012. On 20 January, we lost our dear Mzia Mikeladze. Her sudden passing away has shaken the entire ISET community but life had to continue… We created a memorial fund and a special scholarship to encourage young ISET students to remember Mzia and to follow in her footsteps.

Celebrating the New Year. With an Extra Layer of Cheese
24 December 2012

This is the last issue of the Khachapuri Index column in 2012 (#44 this year and #74 overall since the project’s launch in June 2011). Therefore, we would like to wish our readers many causes for the magnificent Georgian supra in the new 2013, with a lot of khachapuri and wine.

Money Can Buy Me Love, In The Caucasus
22 December 2012

This blog post is a sequel to “Price of a Woman: Economic Rationale behind Marriage Payments in Georgia”. I recently found very interesting data about bride prices in the Georgian highlands and the North Caucasus, which I am now going to share with you.
