The Tides of Markets
27 May 2013

It is an empirical fact that in market economies the economic activity shows cyclical patterns. The 19th-century French economist Clement Juglar is generally attributed to having formulated the first coherent theory of what are known as business cycles.

The Georgian Wine Industry: Recent Past and the Way Forward
24 May 2013

We are very happy to post the second part of Jacques Fleury's commentary on the Georgian Wine Industry. In the first part, Jacques reflected on the experience of surviving the Russian embargo, on the one hand, and dealing with a series of heavy-handed and incompetent government interventions, on the other.

Georgia Doubled the Area of Cultivated Agricultural Land in 2013
22 May 2013

According to available data from the ministry of agriculture (MoA), by 1 May 2013, 400,000 hectares have been cultivated this year in Georgia, which means a 100% increase compared to last year and the highest figure, by far, since 2005.

Does Georgia Need Its Own Currency?
20 May 2013

According to the Biblical Book of Genesis, Adam ate the forbidden apple, and now we all have to face the consequences: men have to work “by the sweat of their face” and women have “in pain to bring forth children”.

Dr. Feess Holds a Seminar on Competition Policy at ISET
16 May 2013

On May 1, 2013, Professor Eberhard Feess of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, held a seminar at ISET on Competition Policy. The presentation covered theoretical and applied aspects of competition policy and its relevance to Georgia.
