E-control Austria Discusses Incentive-based Regulations in Energy Sector
03 December 2013

On November 28, ISET hosted a seminar delivered by two experts working for E-control Austria – Eszter Suele (Resident Twinning Advisor) and Leo Kammerdiener (Senior Tariff and Regulatory Expert). E-control Austria is collaborating with the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC) under a “Twinning Project” to improve the Georgian electricity regulation that promotes long-term investments and helps establish methods of tariff calculation in line with European Union standards and best practices, namely incentive-based tariff regulations.

Language and Economics
02 December 2013

In the 1930s, the American linguist Benjamin Lee Whorf put forward the hypothesis that people of different mother tongues perceive the world differently. According to linguistic relativity or Whorfianism, both the grammatical structure and the vocabulary of a language influence the way how people think.

Excel Training Program
29 November 2013

ISET-PI has delivered an advanced training course in Excel for ProCredit bank employees. There were four, month-long intensive training, each of 20 hours. The course syllabuses were discussed in advance with the client to match needs to specific skills in Excel.

Clean Air is Lifetime
29 November 2013

Lifetime is one of the most precious assets. People are paying huge amounts of money to extend their lifespans, sometimes for gaining only weeks or months. And imprisonment and the death penalty is so widely applied punishments throughout all cultures and ages because people are scared off by the prospect of losing their life.

EXPO AGRO TBILISI: Welcome to the Real Agriculture Economy
27 November 2013

As I do every year since I arrived in Georgia back in 2009, this November I attended the Tbilisi International Fair for Agro, Food and Drink Products, Packaging, and Processing. This fair, although very small for international standards (some 60 stands) is actually one of the most important trade exhibitions in the country, and the only significant one with a focus on agriculture and food sectors.
