ISET-PI Research Fellows Trained in Regulatory Impact Assessment
10 February 2014

On 3-7 February 2014 a group of ISET-PI researchers was trained in Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA). The main goal of implementing RIA is to ensure that the benefits of a regulation exceed its costs for society as a whole.

February 2014 Macro Review | By how much did the Georgian economy grow in 2013. what does the past tell us about the future?
08 February 2014

In recent months, ISET‐PI has devoted considerable time to explore the reasons behind the sharp decline in annual real GDP growth in 2013 (from 6.2% in 2012 to 3.3%). With official data for the whole of 2013 finally becoming available, we are taking this opportunity to revisit our previous conclusions and offer new insights.

German Ambassador Discusses Georgia’s Relations with Germany and Europe at ISET
07 February 2014

On February 5, 2014, ISET was pleased to host the German Ambassador to Georgia, H.E. Ortwin Hennig. The Ambassador gave a presentation about democracy and how a democratic country should execute internal and external politics.

Looking Over the Border: Immigration to Azerbaijan
06 February 2014

For some years, Azerbaijan experiences an immigration wave. Chart 1 shows the net immigration (immigration minus emigration) to Azerbaijan during the last 22 years. As can be seen, every year since 2008 more people are immigrating to Azerbaijan than there are emigrating. In 2012, for instance, 2000 net migrants came to Azerbaijan.

Asymmetric Price Adjustment in the Small
06 February 2014

On February 4, 2014, Daniel Levy, professor of economics at Bar Ilan University and Emory University and member of ISET’s International Faculty Committee, presented his paper “Asymmetric Price Adjustment in the Small", (that he co-authored with Haipeng Chen, Sourav Ray, and Marc Bergen) to ISET professors, students and researchers.
