ReforMeter project coordinator
05 September 2023

ISET is seeking to hire Project Coordinator for ReforMeter project.

Tourism reform assessment report
01 August 2023

The Tourism Reform incorporates the amendments envisioned by the Tourism Draft Law, which was initiated by the Parliament of Georgia. In addition, it encompasses planned changes in the tax benefits system for agritourism and wine tourism service providers.

ReforMeter hosted second public-private dialogue on tourism reform
07 July 2023

On 7 July ReforMeter, the USAID Economic Governance Program, and the Tourism Institute jointly hosted a public-private dialogue to discuss the progress of tourism reform with local stakeholders in Batumi, Georgia.

ISET Policy Institute discusses corporate tax income reform outcomes with stakeholders
03 July 2023

On July 3, ISET Policy Institute organized a roundtable discussion on corporate tax income reform assessment. The event was attended by experts from local and international institutions who shared their views and exchanged ideas on the findings of the assessment.

ReforMeter hosted a public-private dialogue on water resource management reform
28 June 2023

On June 28, ReforMeter and the USAID Economic Governance Program hosted yet another public-private dialogue dedicated to assessing progress in water resource management reform. The draft law on "Water Resources Management" stipulates the establishment of a river basin management system and the introduction of economic instruments for water consumption.
