If You Could Choose Where to Be Born What Country Would You Pick?
10 April 2017

The ISET team conducted an online survey that began with the following question: if you could choose where to be born, what country would you pick? We intentionally formulated the question in this way, which is very different from asking “where would you like to travel or to migrate?” This formulation was meant to allow us to look into characteristics of countries to determine which ones individuals find interesting and appealing if a veil of ignorance is added about their initial standing in the society (e.g. in family and/or social class status at birth).

Marriage: Till Death Do Us Part(?)
18 February 2017

Marriage is a phenomenon strongly intertwined within our culture and everyday life. It is almost a “must do” thing in Georgian traditional society, and it has to be approved either by religious authority or by the state, or both. A recent study about Georgian youth entitled “Generation in Transition, Youth Study Georgia – 2016” by Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, shows the 14-29 age cohort’s perceptions, awareness, and approaches towards marriage.

December 26, 2017 Kh-Index | New year supra index – 2016 edition
26 December 2016

ISET proudly presents its brand new Georgian Supra Index, 2016, cooked specially for the Khachapuri Index’s New Year edition. Served on the Georgian Supra Map (supra’s literal meaning is “tablecloth”), our Supra Index measures the cost (in GEL) of a standard supra feast for a family of 5-6 persons across Georgia’s regions.

TUMOrrow Is Already Here
28 November 2016

Spending a big chunk of their precious summer vacation in Armenia was not exactly my kids’ dream. Their wish list included far more exotic destinations in Africa, the Far East, and Europe’s leading capitals – Vienna, Paris, or London. And, yet, it did not take too much convincing for them to go on a one-week trial at TUMO’s summer school for creativity in Yerevan.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
05 November 2016

Casinos, totalizators, and other gambling institutions are very popular in Georgia. According to the study “Gambling in Georgia – Second Report,” conducted by Transparency International Georgia in 2015, 6% of 1867 randomly interviewed people answered “yes” to the question of whether they or their family members were engaged in gambling for money, including online. This figure, in my opinion, is too low, underestimating the potential engagement in gambling among Georgians.
