Past to Future: Japan’s Economic Rise
26 March 2021

ISET would like to thank the Japanese embassy for organizing and sponsoring our latest public lecture, graciously arranged by ambassador Akira Imamura. The ambassador kindly addressed the audience and offered his introductions to Professor Masahiko Takeda, who went on to pose a captivating presentation on the history and future of the Japanese economy.

How Can Georgia Deal with its Plastic Waste?
15 March 2021

In the modern world, plastic waste recycling has become one of the more crucial activities to combat environmental degradation. The plastic pollution portal from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) highlights that every year around 300 million tons of plastic waste is produced globally. Historically, 9% of the plastic ever produced has been recycled and 12% incinerated, with the remaining 79% going to landfills. Plastic is now truly found worldwide, including within our very food and water, and it is already negatively impacting both wildlife and human wellbeing.

Support to georgian reform tracking system - ReforMeter
15 March 2021

Reform progress analysis for policy making and public dialogue through ReforMeter: the objective of the proposed activity is to increase transparency, public accountability, and efficiency of Georgia’s economic reforms’ implementation and outcomes through engaging multiple stakeholders in the efficient dialogue.

Women in politics: why are they under-represented?
11 March 2021

Women are generally under-represented in political offices worldwide, and their under-representation becomes larger in more senior positions. In the first brief, the author reviews some recent academic literature in economics and political science on the likely causes of women’s under-representation. Broadly speaking, the literature has divided such causes into “supply-side” and “demand-side” factors.

Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) on tourism local fee
09 March 2021

This in-depth study seeks to quantify the costs and benefits associated with introducing a local tourism fee to support public services and touristic infrastructure in Georgian municipalities. Locally generated and retained fee revenues are one of the best methods for boosting local economies and maintaining tourist infrastructure. A tourism local tax and/or fee is an internationally accepted practice and is paid by non-residents when staying in local tourist accommodations and when receiving specialized services.
