March 30, 2015 Kh-Index | Khachapuri index continues along its downward sloping trajectory
30 March 2015

Khachapuri index kept declining in March with the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian Khachapuri reaching 3.15 GEL. This is 7% lower month-on-month (compared to February 2015), and 3.1% lower year-on-year (compared to March 2014).

Does it Make Sense to Subsidize Smallholder Georgian Agriculture, and if so How?
30 March 2015

While Georgia never faced anything like a wartime food crisis, the agricultural policies implemented by the Georgian Dream coalition government in 2013-2015 did not lack in ambition, seeking to make up for more than a decade of “active neglect” of Georgia’s smallholder agriculture by the Saakashvili administration. In this piece, we take a critical look at one of the first government initiatives, the Agricultural Card Program, introduced in February 2013.

Participatory Democracy and Deliberative Model of Public Policy Making
27 March 2015

On Thursday, March 26th, Dr. Nani Macharashvili, from TSU delivered a lecture in which she touched on the importance of the deliberative model of public policymaking.

What Happens When Institutions are Designed to Provide Bullet-proof Protection against Fraud?
26 March 2015

“Shock and awe” is a US military term describing the use of overwhelming power to demoralize the enemy, as applied by the American military in Iraq. “Shock and awe” would also aptly describe my emotional state when I entered, at the age of 23, the magnificent reading room at the Bodleian Library in Oxford. This was the moment when I – a former paratrooper and an officer with one of Israel’s security services – understood how badly I want to acquire an education. Not technical knowledge or skills, but an education.

How Persistent Is Social Capital?
23 March 2015

On Friday, March 20th, in the conference hall of ISET, Jan Fidrmuc from Brunel University gave a presentation titled "How Persistent Is Social Capital?”. At the beginning of the presentation, he has defined Social Capital (SK) as one of the factors of production which encourages cooperation and helps to overcome free-riding.
