Admissions Exams 2015: First-Round Results
01 June 2015

As planned, on May 16, 2015, ISET held an Admissions exam in English language and Mathematics. Exams were carried out simultaneously in Baku, Tbilisi, and Yerevan. The Mathematics exam assessed basic mathematical knowledge, thinking, and problem-solving skills. It covered topics from basic algebra, basic mathematics of finance, and basic calculus. The English exam assessed reading comprehension.

June 01, 2015 Kh-Index | Khachapuri index about to bottom out
01 June 2015

June is the time of the year when the Khachapuri Index reaches the lowest point in its annual cycle. The supply of fresh milk a key input in the production of Imeretian cheese reaches its seasonal peak a few months earlier, in March and April. The prices of cheese, while declining in a continuous fashion from January onward, bottom out with a lag of two-three months, by June or July.

Is Small (And Medium) All That Beautiful?
01 June 2015

Most development practitioners subscribe to the view that vibrant small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) are crucial for the health of a country’s economy. The SME sector is crucial, the argument goes because it creates employment and serves as a hotbed of entrepreneurial talent. Additionally, SMEs are often seen as a source of new, fast-growing industries, contributing to a price-reducing and quality-improving competition with large and old firms that tend to dominate markets in small countries such as Georgia.

Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on the crop insurance reform of Georgia
01 June 2015

APRC conducted a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on insurance reform in Georgia and provided recommendations on policy options for developing a sustainable agricultural insurance market in the country.

Jan Fidrmuc: Happiness and Religion
01 June 2015

On Friday, May 29th, Jan Fidrmuc from Brunel University presented his recent research paper titled “Happiness and Religion” coauthored with Çiğdem Börke Tunalı from Istanbul University to the ISET Community. This was not Mr. Fridrmuc’s first visit to ISET, he has already presented very interesting works about Friday the 13th superstition and persistence of social capital.
