Financial Literacy Research in Georgia
01 February 2016

The aim of the project by ISET-PI, TNS, and TBC bank was to find out the level of financial literacy in Georgia. 1000 respondents were surveyed in the biggest cities of Georgia. The project is divided in three parts dealing with finance, trust in financial institutions, and financial literacy, in order to investigate Georgian citizens' behavior.

Is Winter Tourism in the Kyrgyz Republic Able to Reach the International Level?
11 January 2016

In recent years, winter tourism in Kyrgyzstan develops rapidly and becomes much more popular. There are more than 6 ski resorts with chair lifts and several small bases with regular lifts in Kyrgyzstan. Besides them, there are a lot of building projects for new, modern ski resorts in various regions of Kyrgyzstan. The mountain territory of Kyrgyzstan provides comprehensive opportunities for their development.

Give Your Country a Holiday Gift: Buy Small, Buy Local, Buy Georgian!
20 December 2015

Once again, Georgians across the country are preparing for the holiday season, making travel plans, crushing walnuts for gozinaki, and buying gifts for their friends and families. Gifts are an important part of celebrating the New Year and Christmas, signifying the importance of friendship and allowing us to treat our loved ones to something to start a brand new year in style.

Business Confidence Index: expectations catching up with reality - Q4 2015
15 December 2015

After the early signs of rebounding seen in Q3 2015, the Georgian Business Confidence Index (BCI) has lost 3 points (on [-100/100 scale])1 on the weakening of business expectations.

Consumer Demand Analysis for JSC Sarajishvili
01 December 2015

Consumer Demand Analysis for a Private Company, JSC Sarajishvili. 2015 increase in alcohol excise taxes has led to price increase on majority of JSC Sarajishvili’s products. As a consequence the company experienced sharp decline in sales of its products.
