Business Confidence Index: self fulfilling expectations in action? – Q2 2016
15 June 2016

The Georgian Business Confidence Index (BCI) continues to improve. Unlike last quarter, the second-quarter increase in the index was mostly driven by a significant improvement in performance rather than in business expectations, which kept rising albeit at a marginal pace.

Policy Paper on DCFTA Implementation Progress
31 May 2016

This policy document was created through the project “Raising support and enhancing understanding of the Europeanization process in Georgia: information and communication campaign on EU-Georgia Association Agreement, including DCFTA” funded by the Romanian government.

Leaders in Development
23 May 2016

Policy Institute together with Japan Tabacco International (JTI) Georgia offers free of charge training program "Leaders in Development". The program is designed for policy makers, analysts, mid-level and senior executives from both public and private sectors. Senior decision makers as well as senior professional staff will find the program extremely useful for their work.

Mikautadze Appointed as Deputy of Private Sector Development Research Center
04 May 2016

ISET is pleased to welcome its new employee Gigla Mikautadze in the capacity of Deputy Head of the Private Sector Development Research Centre. His responsibilities include leading the centre in studying and formulating effective policy options for strengthening the private sector and promoting market competitiveness. In addition, he will work to promote the engagement of the private sector in policy discussions, as well as assist the research centre in its goal to increase the capacity of the private and the public sector in development.

ISET Policy Institute's Lead Economist Takes Part in the World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty
21 March 2016

The 17th Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, held March 14-18, 2016, at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C., gathered stakeholders from government, the development community, private sector, and academia to discuss land policy issues worldwide. ISET-PI was represented by Pati Mamardashvili, head of our Agricultural Policy Research Center (APRC).
