Carrefour in Georgia
17 April 2012

I have just heard that the French retail giant Carrefour is entering Georgia. This is good news. Carrefour is the master of combining low prices with high (or at least decent) quality.

Bread and Circus in the South Caucasus
29 February 2012

Last week, The Economist published a comparison of the costs of pancake ingredients across many countries of the world. The pancake recipe used for the calculations included flour, eggs, milk, and butter – all of which are also part of the Khachapuri Index regularly compiled by the ISET Policy Institute.

Easy Export
21 February 2012

Recently the Georgian National Investment Agency launched the internet portal Trade with Georgia. This internet page aims to facilitate exports by providing information to Georgian firms on export procedures and regulations, and by providing potential foreign buyers with a database of Georgian products.

Trade and Sustainability Impact Assessment in support of negotiations on Deep Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DFCTA) between the EU and Georgia
09 January 2012

ISET-PI played a relatively minor role in this project, supporting a consortium consisting of Ecorys (Netherlands) and CASE (Poland). The study was commissioned by the European Commission (DG Trade). The Georgian component of the study identified considerable compliance costs related to the EU-required phyto and veterinary controls, reflected in higher prices for meat and meat products, and an increase in EU meat exports to Georgia. These findings were reported to the Georgian Prime Minister’s office and to the consortium members.

Trade and Sustainability Impact Assessment in support of negotiations on DFCTA between the EU and Georgia
09 January 2012

ISET-PI played a relatively minor role in this project, supporting a consortium consisting of Ecorys (Netherlands) and CASE (Poland). The study was commissioned by the European Commission (DG Trade). The Georgian component of the study identified considerable compliance costs related to the EU-required phyto and veterinary controls, reflected in higher prices for meat and meat products, and an increase in EU meat exports to Georgia. These findings were reported to the Georgian Prime Minister’s office and to the consortium members.
