Background Paper for Georgia Poverty Assessment on Decreasing Enrollment Rates
26 February 2015

Starting from 2005, Georgia saw a rapid decline in tertiary gross enrollment. This project outlines the potential reasons behind decreasing enrollment rates and discusses the role of institutional changes, wages, returns to education, external and international migration, and employment patterns.

Export Quality Upgrading under Credit Constraints
13 February 2015

On February 12th, ISET hosted Dr. Andrea Ciani from Bocconi University, who presented his job market paper "Export Quality Upgrading under Credit Constraints".

SME Policy Assessments in the EESC region. Country: Georgia
01 December 2014

ISET Policy Institute was contracted by the OECD to assess selected policy dimensions of the EU Small Business Act for Georgia. In order to complete this task, ISET-PI conducted desk research of the existing literature and conducted interviews with government officials, private sector representatives and members of the SME community, including civil society.

CASE Conference at ISET
19 November 2014

On November 14, 2014 ISET hosted the conference organized by CASE (Center for Social and Economic Research, Warsaw). The conference summarized the results of the research project “Transfer of Know-How for Small and Mid-Size Businesses in Georgia”.

Armenia Generates Windfall Profits for Georgia
11 November 2014

When Armenia entered the Russia-dominated customs union in 2013, fear spread among the Georgian public and policymakers. It looked as if Georgia would be economically squeezed in between Russia and Armenia, the latter being one of Russia’s staunchest allies in the region and, given its geopolitical dependency on Russia, sometimes seen as a little more than a Russian agent.
