When in Rome
29 April 2016

ISET is proud to congratulate Salome Baslandze, an ISET graduate of 2011, on her recent appointment as an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF) in Rome.

April 30, 2016 FPI | Food Prices Go Down as Turkish and Iranian Floodgates Open
28 April 2016

According to data from the last two weeks of April, retail food prices are down 4.6% y/y (compared to April 2015) and 0.6% m/m (compared to March 2016). During these two weeks, we have seen the biggest drops in the prices of eggplants (21.4%), buckwheat (9.4%), and tomato (9.0%). Only one (!) product increased in price during this period: greens (up 3.8%).

Yaroslava Babych Was a Speaker at a Conference on Industrial Policy for the Development of Georgia
27 April 2016

On 25 May 2016 ISET faculty member and head of the Macroeconomic Policy Research Center at ISET's Policy Institute, Dr. Yaroslava Babych, was an invited panel speaker at the conference on Industrial Policy for the Development of Georgia, organized by the Centre for Social Studies of Georgia.

Survey Shows Georgia Enjoys Financially Illiterate Population
26 April 2016

Georgians have revealed themselves to have overall low levels of financial literacy. Only 6% of respondents to a new research survey were financially literate, which naturally negatively affects the economic situation in the country. ISET's Policy Institute, together with TNS and TBC Bank, conducted the first-ever large-scale survey on financial literacy in Georgia.

Are Working Women Happy Women? View from the Greater Caucasus
25 April 2016

Already in ancient times, philosophers debated the nature of happiness and the recipes for a happy and fulfilling life. Today this question is also hotly debated by scientists and politicians, who are particularly interested in what can be done to increase the happiness of their voters (and citizens, more generally). Happiness has become so important nowadays that four countries: Bhutan, Ecuador, UAE, and Venezuela went so far as to employ ministers of happiness!
