Georgia's Education System Reforms: Corruption is Gone but Where is the Quality?
13 May 2013

A country without oil needs smart people! This clearly applies to Georgia. Not endowed with substantial amounts of natural resources, Georgia totally depends on its human resources. Yet how good is the intellectual equipment of the Georgians that is so urgently required for driving the economic development of this country?

The Economics of Happiness
19 March 2013

The Kingdom of Bhutan is a very special country. When in 2004 King Wangchuck announced that there would be free elections and the kingdom would be gradually transformed into a democracy, people demonstrated in the streets against these reforms.

The Georgian Labor Code: Real Challenges and False Myths
08 March 2013

Georgia’s current rank in the ease of “hiring and firing practices” and “redundancy costs” (weeks of salary an employer is required to pay a dismissed worker) is 9th and 13th, respectively (World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report, 2012-13).

Is Some Degree of Corruption Good for Growth? – It Could Be.
15 February 2013

It is a commonly accepted view that corruption is bad for economic growth. It leads to an inefficient allocation of resources by contradicting the rules of fair competition and by setting wrong incentives.

Institutions, Politics, and Development
11 January 2013

How can a society become more prosperous? This question has been on the minds of economists and policymakers for centuries.
