Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan Agree to Form Transcaucasian Confederation by 2019
01 April 2014

1 April 2014, ISET Economist's special correspondent in Geneva. The ISET Economist was invited to attend the signing ceremony concluding the last round of trilateral negotiations held in Geneva under the joint sponsorship of the Swiss Confederation, the US, Russia, and Turkey.

Looking Over the Border: Immigration to Azerbaijan
06 February 2014

For some years, Azerbaijan experiences an immigration wave. Chart 1 shows the net immigration (immigration minus emigration) to Azerbaijan during the last 22 years. As can be seen, every year since 2008 more people are immigrating to Azerbaijan than there are emigrating. In 2012, for instance, 2000 net migrants came to Azerbaijan.

Reforming Vocational Education in Azerbaijan: Back to Future?
26 June 2013

Baku today is very different from the Baku of my high school years. I remember riding a tram to school. I also remember my high school sharing a building with a vocational school. Nowadays, you will find neither trams nor well-functioning vocational schools in Baku.

Is Some Degree of Corruption Good for Growth? – It Could Be.
15 February 2013

It is a commonly accepted view that corruption is bad for economic growth. It leads to an inefficient allocation of resources by contradicting the rules of fair competition and by setting wrong incentives.

A Comparison of Unit Labor Costs in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan
17 January 2013

Wages and productivity levels differ across countries. For instance, in 2011 the average yearly income in the US was about $53 000, whilst the same indicator was $250 in Madagascar.
