Professionals for Georgian Agriculture
26 November 2016

Recently, the ISET Economist Blog wrote about the cooperative “Shamatia.” Their strawberry seedlings started to fade soon after planting. The cooperative consulted with different experts in the country to find the reason, and the solution for the problem, without success. Only after sending sample seedlings abroad was the cause of the problem revealed. In the meantime, however, the cooperative experienced losses of 15,000 GEL.

ISET Second Years Present Caucasus Air Pollution Seminar
25 November 2016

On November 25, ISET started a policy seminar series provided by the second-year students of ISET’s MA program. The first presentation was delivered by Tamar Bregvadze, Mariam Chachava, Kamran Gasimov, and Yervand Martirosyan under the supervision of the head of Energy Concentration at ISET, Norberto Pignatti.

ISET Seminars: "Behavioral Economics – an Introduction"
24 November 2016

Behavioral economics is one of the most notable fields of modern economics. It draws insights from psychology, sociology, biology, and other social sciences.

Leaders in Development
21 November 2016

ISET Policy Institute together with Japan Tobacco International (JTI) Georgia offers free of charge training program "Leaders in Development". The program is designed for anybody who is involved in or is affected by, public policy decisions: government analysts and decision-makers, parliament staffers, private sector executives, civil society activists, as well as development professionals working in international organizations.

Trade Costs for Heterogeneous Agricultural Products
21 November 2016

On November 21, Prof. Dr. Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel gave a presentation of a working paper entitled “Trade Costs for Heterogeneous Agricultural Products” at ISET. The professor himself and Mr. Yi Qu are the co-others of the paper, which aims to evaluate trade costs for 125 different agricultural products based on 1992-2011 data from 156 different countries.
