Business Confidence Index: the private sector anticipates a price increase
28 February 2017

The Georgian Business Confidence Index (BCI) continues to decline, albeit at a slower pace. The first-quarter decrease in the Index was mostly driven by a significant decline in past performance.

Price and Prejudice on the Georgian Market for Cigarettes
20 February 2017

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that cigarettes are bad for human health. Yet, whenever the government tries to regulate the consumption of cigarettes by increasing their price, it gets a very mixed reaction from the public. Some people (mostly non-smokers) welcome these policies, while others accuse the government of being greedy and proclaim the policies ineffective. Who is right and who is wrong in this debate? Let’s take a closer look at the facts.

February 15, 2017 FPI | Garlic Smells Like Money
19 February 2017

Food prices continue to follow the latest trends. Retail FPI shows a 2.6% increase m/m (that is, compared to January 2017) and a 4.9% decline y/y (that is, compared to February 2016). During the last two weeks, matsoni, tea, and carrots lost value (by 10.4%, 6.2%, and 6.2% respectively), whereas the prices of cabbage, greens, and eggplant increased (by 25.0%, 16.1%, and 14.9% respectively).

Supporting business support organizations in DCFTA and SME policy implementation – lot 2
01 February 2017

Strengthening capacity of business support organizations on DCFTA and SME related policies.

Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) on law of water resources management
13 January 2017

An ISET-PI team led by EEPRC’s Head Norberto Pignatti is conducting a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on Law of Water Resources Management.
