Priority Investment Sectors
03 February 2016

The project supports the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia to identify priority sectors/subsectors of the economy to target foreign investment. The sectors prioritized have potential for an increase in productivity and export to the EU market and therefore are potentially attractive to foreign investors.

January 2016 Macro Review | Saved by statistics – growth rate jump in November revives hopes, but caution is in order
25 January 2016

According to the most recent rapid estimates of economic growth by GeoStat, in November 2015 the Georgian economy increased by 5.3% compared to the same month the year before. The 5.3% increase represents the highest growth rate in nearly 15 months. This optimistic outcome should, however, be treated with a degree of caution.

Give Your Country a Holiday Gift: Buy Small, Buy Local, Buy Georgian!
20 December 2015

Once again, Georgians across the country are preparing for the holiday season, making travel plans, crushing walnuts for gozinaki, and buying gifts for their friends and families. Gifts are an important part of celebrating the New Year and Christmas, signifying the importance of friendship and allowing us to treat our loved ones to something to start a brand new year in style.

December 2015 Macro Review | The worst may be over, but not for everyone
16 December 2015

According to the most recent statistics, the Georgian economy is showing signs of stabilization in the last quarter of 2015. Economic growth increased to 3% year on year in October – about the same as the estimated average real GDP growth rate (2.8%) for the first ten months of 2015.

Russo-Turkish Drama: a Christmas Gift for the Georgian Economy?
12 December 2015

On November 24th, a Turkish Air Force fighter jet shot down a Russian SU-24 that briefly strayed into its airspace. One pilot was killed, and another member of the Russian military perished in the rescue attempt. Vladimir Putin called the event a “stab in the back” even though he had turned his back on Turkish warnings about incursions into its airspace. Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, facetiously stated that Turkey would not apologize for the event and that Russia should be the one apologizing.
