ISET celebrates Novruz bayramı – the New Year for many
22 March 2016

For two days ISET’s cafeteria turned into a festive Azerbaijani kitchen. The preparation process was led by the first-year students of the ISET MA program, Orkhan Suleymanli, and his assistant Nijat Guliyev.

Coordination Games
05 March 2016

Some years ago my dad, who is an avid blogger, wrote a piece about a plague of disorderly advertising that was choking Kyiv. Notices promoting everything under the sun were plastered on the walls, fences, lamp-posts, in metro cars, on the bus stops, even on the pavement. Our own building’s entrance was a sad sight – always covered with debris of paper and glue.

ISET Launches a Three-Year Exchange Program with the University Of Lausanne
04 March 2016

In early February 2016, ISET opened its doors to a group of 7 economics students and faculty from one of Europe’s top schools of business and economics, HEC at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

ISET-PI’s Giorgi Mzhavanadze Discusses Georgia’s Economic Development Prospects in Light of New Regional Security Threats
01 March 2016

The radicalization of Islam and the Russian-Turkish spat affect the security of the South Caucasus energy supply corridor and shed new light on the prospects of Russian-Georgian economic relations. The challenges and opportunities related to the new security threats were the main topics of discussion at a forum organized by the Caucasian House.

ISET Partners with the Norwegian School of Economics
29 February 2016

Supported by Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ISET’s collaboration with the Norwegian School of Economics (Norges Handelshøyskole – NHH) started more than four years ago with regular faculty visits by some of the most senior NHH scholars, professors Einar Hope and Rognvaldur Hannesson. The main goal of the new 3-year phase, to be financed by the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (Senter for internasjonalisering av utdanning (SIU)), is to develop a dual degree program in energy and environmental economics.
