The Next Energy Revolution is Upon Us and Renewable Energy Is Its Flagship
30 November 2016

The next energy revolution is on our doorstep, and it is going to be driven by renewable power generation technologies, which potentially allow for a much more decentralized power system and a less heavy network. Still, power transmission network projects worth USD 40 trillion are being financed through different state and private investments all around the world.

How Can Georgia Raise a Creative Generation
06 December 2015

Every human is born with billions of neurons or nerve cells, which form networks to process and transmit information. The structure of neuron networks constitutes the foundation for learning, memory, and other cognitive abilities.

Europe Wants Georgia. But Not Georgians
22 May 2015

In March 2015, 31-year-old Tamar Trapaidze died of severe toxicity in Italy. Like many Georgian women of her generation, Tamar was an illegal immigrant employed as an in-home care worker by an Italian family. Being “illegal”, she must have feared deportation, which is probably why she was unable to receive adequate medical treatment.

How the Age Structure Impairs “Inclusive Growth” in Rural Georgia
04 May 2015

Currently, farming in Georgia is a “by default activity” – the vast majority of Georgian “farmers” are not really farmers in a professional sense but rather people who try to survive by growing agricultural products. When traveling through Georgia’s countryside, one sees immediately that it is mainly the older generation which has to resort to this default activity.

The Multigenerational Country
11 July 2014

What is a family? Posing this question to a child in, say, Sweden, would almost surely lead to the answer “mum, dad, and children”. What would be the answer in Georgia? In Georgia, a child would most likely answer “grandmother, grandfather, mum, dad, and children”. The multigenerational family, nowadays almost unknown in the economically more developed parts of the world, is still very common in Georgia.
