With Russia creating or helping sustain so many “frozen conflicts” on its periphery, it is crucially important for countries and nations finding themselves in this predicament to work a sound strategy of dealing with the situation. The military option has been taken off the table ever since the August 2008 attempt by Georgia to forcefully bring South Ossetia back into its fold. Thus, countries such as Moldova, Georgia, and now also Ukraine, don’t have too many good alternatives to choose from.
So far, many Georgians solved minor health problems in a non-bureaucratic way. Instead of consulting doctors, they asked friends, relatives, and the internet what medicine should be taken as a remedy for a given issue. Once they had received enough information, they went to a pharmacy, and, with some additional advice from the pharmacist, bought the medicine they expected to be helpful.
On September 4, 2014, ISET Conference Hall hosted Dr Sophie Ghvanidze, Hochschule Heilbronn, with her presentation. Does Country-of-Origin Matter? The Case of Georgian Wine for German Wine Consumers". The purpose of this study is to identify dimensions of country images of Georgia in terms of benefits sought by German wine consumers of Georgian wine.
The main objective of this project is to analyse a possible impact of imposing 20% tariff on wine export from Georgia to Russia on grape prices in Georgia. In addition, the study aims to assess the impact of this possible tariff on the incomes of grape producers in Georgia. In addition, the study aims to assess the impact of this possible tariff on the incomes of grape producers in Georgia.
The aim of the project was to revise the Needs Index Coefficients determined by an expert-normative method back in 2004, we will use “previous evaluation”, “previous estimation”, “old method” and other such phrases when referring to this earlier method.