Avoiding the insolvency of Georgia`s Insolvency Law
16 March 2016

Georgia’s Insolvency law of 2007 is primarily oriented towards a rapid liquidation of insolvent corporate entities and private entrepreneurs’ businesses with subsequent distribution of remaining assets amongst the creditors. The number of insolvency cases dealt with by the local courts of Tbilisi and Kutaisi is fairly limited most probably due to insufficient assets in the insolvent entities to cover the costs of the insolvency procedure.

A Portrait of a Tushetian Farmer as an Entrepreneur
14 March 2016

We first met Gogi Elanidze in winter 2015, when interviewing farmers in Rati’s village, Kvemo Alvani. Located in Akhmeta municipality, Kvemo Alvani and its twin, Zemo Alvani, are not your usual Kakhetian villages. The two serve as the winter base for the people of Tusheti, an isolated valley separated from Kakheti by the 3000m high Abano mountain pass.

Policy Paper on DCFTA Implementation Progress
01 March 2016

Open Society Georgia Foundation commissioned ISET-PI to prepare a policy paper regarding the progress made on the implementation of Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) in Georgia and to conduct a training for the members of the European Integration Committee and the Economic Affairs Committee of the Georgian Parliament regarding DCFTA in frames of the project “Raising support and enhancing understanding of the Europeanization process in Georgia

February 29, 2016 Kh-Index | Georgia stuck between hong kong and estonia. In the big mac index
29 February 2016

Established almost eight years ago, ISET Policy Institute’s Khachapuri Index was inspired by the famous Big Mac Index of The Economist. The Big Mac Index ranks countries on the cost – translated into US dollars – of the Big Mac hamburger sold at local McDonald's restaurants. We rank Georgia’s major cities on the cost of cooking one portion of Imeretian Khachapuri.

The ISET Economist Blog Recognized by the EU Prize of Journalism as One of the Most Informative Online Media in Georgia
24 February 2016

The ISET Economist Blog was recognized as one of the three most informative online media in Georgia at the award ceremony of the EU Prize for Journalism 2015. This prestigious prize is the first of its kind in Georgia to acknowledge excellence in written press, TV, radio, and social media reflecting high journalistic standards and contributing to a better understanding of European values.
