Quarter 2 2017, Macro Review | Strong Q2 data puts Georgia's annual growth on track to reach target
14 September 2017

According to the preliminary statistics released by GeoStat, Georgia’s real GDP growth was 4% year over year (YoY) in Q2 2017, which fell short of the 5.8% that had been expected by the ISET-PI GDP forecast made in July. This shortfall was driven not by weak performance, but overly optimistic predictions of ISET-PI’s empirical model, influenced by high actual growth in the first quarter (5.1% YoY).

Dr. Yaron Brook: Free Speech and the Battle for Western Culture
07 September 2017

On September 7, ISET hosted the president and executive chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute, Dr. Yaron Brook, for a presentation. The topic of the presentation was Free Speech and The Battle for Western Culture. During the presentation, Dr. Brook explained why and in what ways free speech is under attack and why it is important to defend this fundamental right.

Crime and Punishment. The Georgian Version
04 September 2017

Driving back home after a two-week family vacation in Turkey, a horrific surprise awaited us at the border-crossing in Vale (near Akhaltsikhe). We arrived just before midnight on Saturday, August 26, 2017. What we knew to be a very efficient procedure lasted much longer than the expected 2-3 minutes.

Orientation Session for ISET Class’19
04 September 2017

ISET kicked off its 2017-2018 school year this Monday, September 4 with an orientation session for incoming students. ISET faculty, staff, and researchers warmly greeted the students and gave them a sense of what they can expect out of their next two years of study. Eric Livny, President of ISET and ISET-PI welcomed new students highlighting critical skills and knowledge they should be striving to acquire.

ISET researcher attends agricultural congress in Parma
01 September 2017

Between August 29 and September 1, ISET’s Salome Gelashvili attended the XV EAAE Congress “Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society” which took place in Parma, Italy.
