October 13, 2014 Kh-Index | Economic geography of cheese production: the case of telavi
13 October 2014

In September 2014, the cost of cooking one Imeretian khachapuri gained 3.2% relative to August, reaching 3.35 GEL. Importantly, Khachapuri Index added much more than 13.7% in annual terms, suggesting that Georgia is beginning to experience inflation, at least as far as food prices are concerned.

How Much Regulation Does a Country Need?
10 October 2014

After the great success in preparing and delivering the Young Bankers training program for ProCredit Bank Georgia, a new training program for senior bank staff was developed and conducted in Tbilisi and Batumi in 2012. Three different groups participated in the program. These three groups consisted of employees from two departments - The Medium Loans Assessment Department and Corporate Client Service Department. In this particular program, four modules were incorporated: General Microeconomics; General Macroeconomics; Banking and Data Analysis

The Economic Potential of Georgian Wine
07 October 2014

Winemaking is one of the oldest Georgian traditions that have survived to this day. Archaeologists have proved that the history of Georgian wine production reaches back into the past at least 8000 years. Arguably, this makes Georgia the earliest place on earth where wine was produced. And the tradition is alive – today there are not just big wine firms, but it is common among ordinary Georgians to grow grapes and produce their own, homemade wine.

Pride and Prejudice in Georgian Food Consumption
03 October 2014

Hospitality is one of the most prized aspects of Georgian culture. Welcoming (literal translation: "respecting") guests is a matter of great pride for any family. My mother grew up in a small Imeretian village, and as she tells me, the kids of the family were not allowed to eat until the guests were fully "respected", i.e. properly fed. Even the poorest household in the village would go out of its way (and income) to impress its guests with a cornucopia of local delicacies, meats, veggies, and homemade wine.

Georgia’s Agricultural Exports
01 October 2014

The goal of this study was to examine Georgia's agricultural export performance and make recommendations for its improvement. The study shows that the current structure of agricultural exports in Georgia is characterized by high share of processed products. Nevertheless, Georgia's agricultural export is currently concentrated on a few export products and is heavily dependent on CIS countries, being thus vulnerable to political and climate shocks.
