An agro insurance program was started in September 2014. The program is subsidized by the state and eight insurance companies participate in the program. The insurance package covers losses caused by hail, flooding, and storms, as well as by autumn frost (covered only for citrus). Since the beginning of the program, 49.3 thousand farmers (unique beneficiaries) have purchased insurance.
Land O'Lakes International Development is leading an innovative, demand-driven Safety and Quality Investment in Livestock (SQIL) project to improve food safety and quality within Georgia’s dairy and beef value chains. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (via Food for Progress) and aims to reduce losses, improve food safety and quality from farm to fork, and to boost competitiveness, productivity, and trade within the Georgian dairy and beef market systems.
Results of the analyses are expected to contribute to the assessment of changes in trade patterns between Georgia and CAREC countries due to upcoming EU food safety regulations and standards as well as potential costs associated with those restrictions for both parties.
ISET Policy Institute, with the support of UNIDO, conducted a study to map emerging and potential clusters in Georgia with a focus on the manufacturing and agri-business sectors. The objective of the project was to enhance entrepreneurship and business sophistication by strengthening the capacities of government and local entities to develop and operate clusters and supporting companies directly with strategic investments and to better connect with diaspora groups, while also demonstrating the effectiveness of these strategies to businesses.
How can soil degradation be reduced in Georgia? The objective of the study is to assess potential impact of the draft law on soil degradation processes in Georgia. The study examines the current situation regarding land degradation in Georgia and estimates the potential costs and benefits of the draft law.